Saturday, August 23, 2008

Okay so after over a month of not posting anything, I've decided its time.  So last Saturday I made my way to school down here at the College of Eastern Utah in Price.  I really like all of my roommates and classes so far. I decided to take some pictures of my dorm room so you can all see.  :)

This is my bed.  It is so comfy. Mom and Dad let me take some memory foam. So far so good!
This is my desk where all the studying is done.
And another picture of my bed and slightly decorated wall.
Now this is my packed-to-the-max closet. My side is on the left, I have a whole lot more clothes than I was thinking I did when I packed.
And the latest of me, the college girl!!  FINALLY!!
I am so excited to finally be away at college and having the experience. I will try to keep updating my blog when I find the time. I love you all!


  1. Meg! Welcome back to the blogsphere. Your room looks very cute. Thanks for taking pictures and posting them.

  2. yay! i'm so excited for you to start school. I really loved CEU and i hope you have just as much fun as i did. i would recommend to actually go to the school activities-i didn't for the first while, but they are really a great place to meet people. if you need anything, Joe's parents live at 970 N 200 E. Just go up 300 E from AJ til you get to the stop sign and turn right. its like two houses in. Thanks for the pics!

  3. P.S. If you have a vacant room in your dorm thats locked, i can teach you how to jimmy your way in and steal an extra matress. it helps a ton!

  4. So cute! I love your bedspread. I'm so excited for you. You will have so much fun. Make sure you get out and be social. You're the greatest!

  5. I love your room! I remember my first year in college I had a blast, I hope you have fun. I love your hair!

  6. Hooray for Megan and her sweet room! And for college!

  7. Your room looks so cute! Hmmm, why wasn't it so tidy at home? (JK) I miss you and look forward to seeing you this weekend. Do your homework or you will be GROUNDED! You aren't even a little bit intimidated anymore, are you? I love your guts. See you soon :)
